Slayer Artists

Slayer cans are in themselves a work of art.

While we live to have fun we take art and flavour very seriously and Slayer will always be found at the intersection of these two.

If you want to potentially see your art on a Slayer can, reach out to us! Either by dropping a mail or inboxing us on our socials. If your art suits the brand we will get back to you fairly quickly with a mock up of what your art can look like on a can. Should we really love it there is an opportunity for your art to feature on one of our real life Slayer cans. We would marry your awesome art to an equally awesome, unique flavour. Do a minimum run of 10000 cans with the potential for more if the Slayers love it.Your art and your signature will be on the can for as long as we keep making that product.

Keep an eye on our socials for can art competitions where we will have set themes that we are looking for and if your art wins you can win prizes like:

 A one year subscription to Slayer Energy Drinks.

“Life is dull, only to dull people”
– Unknown

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